Monday, December 10, 2012

Great deal from Plasq

Plasq, makers of ComicLife, continues to make strong statements in education. Recently, they offered a 25% discount on their already incredibly low priced products when partnering with the My Hero project. My Hero is a wonderful organization well worth exploring, as is Comic Life. I use Comic Life in the classroom to teach digital citizenship, and will be expanding my use into other projects. Here are links to these two fantastic groups:


Alexandria_Tucker said...

This is my comment from ITEC 601.1. This blog, and others like it, is a great way for all teachers to have a safe and supportive space to learn about resources that can actually make a difference in their teaching lives.

Unknown said...

I see the incredible opportunities for growth, collaboration and learning in reading blogs and wikis--for both educators and students. As I think about the state of technology at my own elementary school site, however, questions arise about how individuals will access these wonderful resources.

Classrooms each have 1 single computer, generally restricted to teacher use, and many of the classrooms do not have a working internet connection. The school's computer lab has seriously outdated computers, and classes only have access to the lab once every other week.

Our students are English-learners who come from lower income families; the majority have neither computers nor internet access at home. We have more work to do in term of equity and assuring equal access before we can say that everyone can fully benefit from these advances. [ITEC 601.1 student]

mira.a.carberry said...

ITEC 601.1 module 7 response

I would love to see some examples from teachers who are using clouds to connect students in the lower elementary grades. Like Tania, my students have limited access to students so I wonder how they would be able to maintain consistent access to these clouds in a way that would make participation in the forum meaningful and valuable. I am also really curious to know what it would look like for my 3rd graders, many of whom struggle with typing, and if they would feel engaged with a wiki space of blog or if they would be more preoccupied with trying to type words, preventing them from expressing their ideas.

lupe b said...

This is a great resource for working with kids. Im my experience, students have really enjoyed using this type of medium to create new projects. they like the idea that they are the comic and that they can make it come alive. definitely a great tool

Katlyn Roobian said...

(comment for ITEC 601-02)

Until this class, I had never really thought of using comic books in the classroom. Comics, at least according to my parents, are the "lazy" version of reading — never really providing a compelling plot or good character development. However, after reading through the plasq website, and thinking about its classroom applications, I do see the educational possibilities! Comic Life can help students unleash their own creativity on a computer while practicing reading and writing skills. Seems like a great program!

Giliam said...

Hello, David O. here from ITEC 601. I love that you incorporate popular culture into your lessons. What a way to keep students engaged!

Unknown said...

I saw the comiclife demonstrated through collaborate and thought it was really interesting, especially the part where you could capture your picture. I did a comic strip activity with my class and it would be more intersting to incorporate technology and add that into the lesson.

As for the blog, I remember having a class journal as an elementary school student where my classmates and I took turn writing in the journal. It was very intersting seeing what others have to say. I would have to say it would be great to continue activities like that but putting it into a blog method.