Saturday, February 25, 2012

Deep into the New Year

Deep into the New Year
February finds us over the 100 day mark in the school year, a time when potential doldrums hit both teacher and student. How are we fighting off the mid-year "blahs"?

I make sure that my classroom is working on their most exciting project to date, and throw more multimedia into the mix, video teases, podcast nuggets, etc. It is never too early to consider what one is going to showcase for parent visitations (Open House) and how one will display student learning.

I've been inspired by my students at SFSU and my colleagues to continue to risk new ideas and curriculum, even as I approach the twilight of my career. Shout out to you folks.

The "360" project is a prime example. Inspired by the work of San Francisco artist, Pep Ventosa, I asked students to take at least 30 digital photos using themselves as the subject, and layer them in Adobe Photoshop Elements. The results were spectacular:


Mec said...

Anything to get over the midyear "blah"! Now we did it and the end of the year nears.
I liked the idea of the adobe photoshopped pictures and took a photo of my 5th graders graduating.
I layered them and they turned out really cool. These pictures will hopefully be a nice good bye gift to go with their port folio.

dana teen said...

This is such a cool idea, and I know the kids at SOTA would go for it! I remember you showing us these in class and I am trying to think about how to tie them in with the Shakespearean sonnet unit I'm putting together. It occurs to me that they may be able to take pictures of the person they write about. So for example, if they are going to emulate "Sonnet 130" by writing about the personality traits of a relative that they could do without, they could then go and take 30 pictures of this person and layer them as well... I like it and the blurriness adds to the idea that no one is perfect... Thanks J!

And I hope you aren't really in the twilight of your career! Too many kids still need to hear from you.

Thanks for the cool idea.

Adarene said...

These images are amazing! The layering of images could work really well for a collaborative assignement and would be great in illustrating creative writing.

Adarene said...

These images are amazing! The layering of images could work really well for a collaborative assignement and would be great in illustrating creative writing.

Unknown said...

I really like the layering of photos project. My roommate has something similar hanging in our house, though I think his done with real film. I can only imagine that it would be easier with photoshop, one of the many perks of the digital age. It would be fun to have them combine images that seem really different but are all connected to a central theme. A good writing assignment to go along with this would be to explain why each individual image was selected and describe the overall theme.

Winona Hendrick said...

I am not sure how to "post" on here, but I'd like to say how much I like that picture of your student in red. The colors are fantastic - ITEC60101 (WH)

Winona Hendrick said...

Also, apparently google insists that I share my profile pic (which is also made on photoshop).